Here is October's Program Planning Calendar complete with 4 weeks worth of themes and child care activities.

Week 1: The Giving Tree
This week's theme introduces children to the benefits we get from trees and the things trees give us. Start this week reading ' The Giving Tree' by Shel Silverstein
Monday: Literacy: Read ' The Giving Tree' by Shel Silverstein, Fine Motor: do this giving tree activity ( try replacing writing the words with pictures or photo cards for younger children)
Tuesday: FINE Motor, Literacy: What do we get from trees activity, Make this into a literacy activity by making the words traceable for younger children to practice writing. You will need to research more things we get from trees, (Examples: Oxygen, paper, fruits, shade in the summer, maple syrup etc.)
Wednesday: Gross Motor & STEM: Go for a walk and collect pinecones to do this pine cone science experiment
Thursday: Gross Motor & ART: Go for a walk and collect leaves and make this nature tree art project
Friday: Gross Motor, Fine Motor, & Art: Find branches and make this thankful tree project for Thanksgiving day, ART: create these mason jar fall tree luminaries ( tip; use LED Tea Lights)
Week 2: Costumes & Theatre
The idea for this week is to make DIY costumes with the children that can be added to your dramatic play area. Dedicate time each day for the children to play in dramatic play and create stories and play using those costumes.
Monday: ART, Fine Motor, Dramatic Play: Create animal feet using empty tissue boxes, Create a paper plate dinosaur mask, a fox mask, or this cat mask
Tuesday: Art, Fine Motor, Dramatic Play: Create this rocket-fueled jet pack, this Doctor's shirt, this chef's hat, or this hungry caterpillar costume
Wednesday: Art, Fine Motor, Dramatic Play: Create a knight's shield from a cardboard box,
Thursday: Art, Fine Motor, Dramatic Play: Create this Pipe cleaner crown, these troll hair headbands, this paper beard costume
Friday: Art, Fine Motor, Dramatic Play: Create these superhero cuffs and this no-sew superhero cape
Week 3: Bugs Life
Monday: Gross Motor: Spider web obstacle course, Art: Spider Web painting
Tuesday: Fine Motor & STEM: Insect composition using photos of bugs and insects
Wednesday: STEM & Sensory: Make this bug slime
Thursday: Gross Motor: Do this caterpillar race activity, Fine Motor: melt these icy insect eggs
Friday: STEM & Fine Motor: bug hotel craft
Week 4: The Great Pumpkin
Monday: Art: Paint resist pumpkin art activity
Tuesday: STEM, Fine Motor: Make these pumpkin cinnamon rolls or these baked pumpkin donut holes
Wednesday: Gross Motor: children will love this glow stick necklace pumpkin ring toss activity
Thursday: Literacy: colorful pumpkin seed activity
Friday: Sensory: children will have a blast making this pumpkin homemade slime